Why does Vaughan Capital Advisors choose to work with companies trading in M&A transactions between $25million and $50million?
Because we are normally working very closely with the owner and operator of the business (“owner operator”). As such, we know that the business they own and operate represents their access to achieving both exciting corporate objectives and tremendously important personal objectives.
Achieving both the personal and corporate objectives of our customers is what we mean by “Integrated Advisory”.
How do we achieve “Integrated Advisory”?
We start by asking you questions about you. You are the owner and operator of your business. Your imprint is on every aspect of your business. Your business was created to accomplish both corporate and personal objectives. Our product, your closed transaction, should do the same.
Why do we ask you about the future?
In all respects, your personal life is dependent upon and integrated with your business. Therefore, for Vaughan Capital Advisors to deliver the best M&A product to you, we have to know as much as we can about you. Chief among the things we want to understand is what you want your future to look like.
For most companies executing transactions between $25million and $150million, the acquirer is, of course, interested in past performance. Unlike those mutual fund commercials on TV, the acquirer does look at past performance as an indicator of future performance! That said, the acquirer also wants to know what future the owner operator can create in partnership with the acquiring company. When Vaughan Capital Advisors is marketing your transaction, we want to communicate to prospective investors the future you are committed to creating for your business. Again, the future you create for your business is closely related to the future you want to create for yourself and your family.